Based on your location and our availability, it is most common that you have ONE midwife chosen for your prenatal, birth, and postpartum care. This allows you to anticipate who will be at your birth and have your midwife become a specialist in you--your family, your birth plan, your hopes and dreams for this birth. However, the two of us working as partners means you also get to know your back-up midwife who would be there if anything unexpected came up causing your midwife to be unavailable. Community Care is a great chance to get to know both of us, as Alanna and Story conduct these group visits together.
Learn about community care
I love the work that I do and the families that I serve. I am a mother of six children born at home with Certified Nurse midwives. The midwives that served me did more than help me have empowering births. They created in me a desire to care for each of my clients in the same nurturing way.
In college I obtained degrees in Biology (Gordon College) and Nursing (George Mason University). I confirmed my desire to be a midwife during a five-month mission trip working with doctors and midwives at a clinic in The Gambia, West Africa. I married my husband, Josiah, in 2005, the same year I started working as a Registered Nurse (RN).
I graduated from Frontier Nursing University with my Master of Science in Nursing to become a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) in 2009 and worked from 2010 to 2015 with a group practice as a home birth midwife for families throughout the Washington area. I am certified by AMCB and am licensed to practice midwifery as an Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner (CNM) and to prescribe in the state of Virginia.
The time came for me to pursue the one-on-one relationships that first attracted me to midwifery. I also desired to focus on serving my own community. This brought about the "birth" of Fairfax Home Birth.
I consider it a privilege to truly know the families I serve. I am honored that you would consider inviting me into your home for this momentous event in your life. Whether the decision to give birth at home is one that comes quickly, or one that you need time to ponder and investigate, I hope that you will feel at ease doing so with me. You choose Fairfax Home Birth because you want to be heard, educated and truly "at home."

My journey to become a midwife started in 2014 in a home here in Fairfax, Virginia. A dear friend invited me to her home birth, and as I watched her overcome the challenge of giving birth, in her own bedroom, I knew that I wanted to help other women achieve the same victory.
I began work as a doula in 2016. In 2018, I graduated from George Mason University with my Bachelor’s in the Science of Nursing. After graduating, I began work as a Registered Nurse at George Washington University Hospital in D.C., where I had the opportunity to work with nurses, physicians and midwives that honored the birthing process and allowed birth to unfold physiologically.
I graduated from Frontier Nursing University with my Master’s in the Science of Nursing in 2022 and was then certified by AMCB as a Certified Nurse Midwife and licensed by the state of Virginia to practice midwifery as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.
During my midwifery schooling, I was blessed to be able to return to the home birth setting and attend births with Story, here at Fairfax Home Birth. I am overjoyed to have joined Story’s practice and to get to work alongside such a knowledgeable and attentive midwife and role model. I look forward to getting to know you and accompany you on your birth journey.

I'm excited to get to know all of you throughout your care! You'll see me in the office helping Alanna and Story as their administrative assistant. My job is to keep everything running smoothly in the background so they can focus on providing you the best care possible.
I'm so grateful to have attended over 100 births with Fairfax Home Birth as a Birth Assistant, and I'm happy to be a resource in answering your logistical birth-related questions.
I am also trained in neonatal resuscitation and birth emergencies. I look forward to meeting you and being part of your care!

I became interested in maternal healthcare in 2012, but my passion reignited while working with moms in Cusco, Peru in 2022. I have a heart to use my Spanish language abilities to aid communication with Spanish-speaking families.
I graduated with a degree in Nursing from James Madison University in 2018 and am a cardiac nurse at Inova Alexandria Hospital. I am now studying to become a Certified Nurse Midwife at Frontier Nursing University. I'm happy to work alongside the FHB team and to serve you and your family!

Alana is a very blessed wife, mom and granny. Having 8 babies at home gave her a deep appreciation for home birth and midwifery care. After her children were grown, she began helping at home and birth center births and eventually pursued certification with the North American Registry of midwives. She balances her time between her biggest passions—love for her family and serving childbearing women. Her special interest is in the use of herbs for health. She enjoys gardening, baking, and dancing and hopes to get back to quilting someday!

I slid down the rabbit hole of birth while I was pregnant with my first baby and gobbled up every scrap of birth related information I could gather. Four children and four years later, I still loved learning about birth! Eventually, I channeled my interests and became a certified doula. I have served couples in the NoVA area since 2016. My passion for birth has evolved into helping mothers and their partners empower themselves to be in the driver's seat of their birth experiences and, over the years, I've seen this best occur through the journey of home birthing. It is a blessing and joy to be invited into your homes to support you and to be a part of the amazing FHB team.