Postpartum Care with Fairfax Home Birth
Having your baby at home means having a peaceful, family-centered postpartum. We are as available to our postpartum clients as we are to our pregnant clients.
Immediately after the birth
Your midwife stays at your home for 2-4 hours, or longer as needed. During this time, the Birth Assistant and midwife:
- assess vitals of mother and baby
- assist you with breastfeeding
- allow for family bonding
- provide any needed repair with local anesthetic
- make sure you have eaten a meal
- assist you to the shower
- weigh and examine your new baby
- change your bed linens and tidy from the birth
- give you detailed postpartum instructions
In the days after the birth
You will receive one or two postpartum home visits from us. You will also take your baby to see his or her provider (Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Physician or Pediatritician) within the first couple of days. At your home visits we will
- assess vitals of mom and baby
- assess breastfeeding and signs of baby's wellbeing
- assess your postpartum recovery and emotional health
- finalize the paperwork for your birth certificate
- talk with you about your birth
- answer any questions and continue your postpartum education
In the weeks after the birth
You will come to the office with your new baby around 2 weeks and 6 weeks postpartum or as needed. At these visits we will:
- conduct a physical exam as indicated (and ooh and ah over your beautiful baby who is growing so quickly!)
- assess your emotional health
- discuss family planning
- educate and answer your questions
- schedule any follow up annual exam or gynecological care you desire
- give you a big hug--we can't believe that our months together have come to an end!
- Invite you to your Community Care reunion lunch!