Sarah Hanks
"Colton James Hanks, our third baby boy, was born in Mommy and Daddy's bed at 5:23 am, March 2nd, 2013 weighing in at 8 pounds 12 oz, 20.5 inches long looking just like big brother Wesley but with lots of dark hair!"
"At my last appointment before my due date, I was nervous because I wanted a homebirth so badly, but my blood pressure was slightly elevated. Story was calm and gentle not to alarm me and assured me that I should just do a couple tests to rule out pre-clampsia, and that I would surely be able to go through with my homebirth plan. I remember her sending me home from that 39 week appointment with a "Drive home safely, ok. And put your feet up and rest and wait for this baby!" I never had such sweet, personal care with any doctor I had visited with my first two children."
"It was just two days later that I called Story to my house. On her way she was coaching my husband on the phone of what to do since I called so late in my labor. She arrived with a smile on her face and quickly went about setting up our bedroom for the birth of our little boy. She told me that she had been "praying that I'd go into labor naturally before anything had to be induced for the blood pressure." It blew my mind that my medical professional was at home thinking about me and praying for me and my baby! Every time I looked at Story through the labor process, she was smiling, encouraging me, telling me I was doing great."
"At one point my 5 year old wandered into our bedroom when he was supposed to be watching a movie downstairs. He was alarmed, but Story told him, "It's ok sweetie. Mommy is just fine. She's going to have your baby brother right now!" And I heard Wesley "HOORAY!" and she said he pumped double fists in the air and ran downstairs. I appreciated not only her care for me, but her gentle reassuring of my other children in the house."
"As soon as Colton was born, I was so loopy, tired, I didn't even realize at first, Story put him directly to my chest and said, "Sarah, open your eyes, it's your baby!" I cried, "My baby, my baby, Colton!"
"I have no words to describe the beauty of this birth. Being at home, in the care of a competent and kind midwife was amazing! Story stayed until 9 am, for about 4 hours, downstairs, playing with our dog, eating and making us food, making coffee, writing up our records, checking on us every hour for vitals and to help establish breastfeeding. She left us with hugs, well wishes, and told me I'd better have any future babies at home because I'm "so darn good at it!" Awww, so sweet! Story also took many paranoid phone calls from me those first couple post-partum days and did not even once make me feel that my questions were silly or unwarranted. She continued to take her time with me and encourage me through early breastfeeding, etc. I felt I had such a personal connection, like she was a new friend. I found myself looking forward to my 6-week appointment to catch up with a girlfriend and show off my new baby."